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May 1, 2023

Sitting At The Edge Of Your Comfort Zone

Sitting At The Edge Of Your Comfort Zone

How to come out of your comfort zone and achieve your goals with more confidence




Hi, I’m your host Pascale Gibon. Welcome to episode 288 of the Everyday Life Balance Show. Thank you for tuning in.

I will cover, in this episode, the concept of sitting at the edge of your comfort zone. I love this concept as a personal development coach and ‘change catalyst.’

Just imagine what sitting at the edge of your comfort zone could mean for you…

Firstly I would like to remind you of the three controllable ways to create change in your life:

  1. Stop doing what does not work
  2. Keep doing what works
  3. Try something new and see if it works.

Secondly, what does sitting at the edge of your comfort zone mean?

When you sit at the edge of your comfort zone, you are willing to explore new experiences, step outside your usual routine and try something new.

Sitting at the edge of your comfort is a growth mindset.

It means finding the sweet spot between feeling challenged and feeling overwhelmed. It results from your ability to make this extra effort to create more balance and harmony in your life and achieve your goals.

You might be looking to make in your life the following changes: pursuing a new career, starting a business or improving your health or relationships. Whatever your goal may be, a lack of confidence might stop you from making that extra effort, as you might not know where to start. In addition, fear might be holding you back and keeping you in your comfort zone. The fear of failure, success, rejection, or the unknown might paralyse you.

The truth is that you achieve success when you step outside of your comfort zone.

Here are four ideas that may be helpful to consider to step outside of your comfort zone confidently.

Tony Robbins says that success is 80% mindset and 20% skills. Therefore to achieve your desired outcome, it is crucial to have the right mindset.

The first idea is, to begin with the end in mind.

You begin with the end in mind by visioning what you want. This exercise will give you the clarity that you require. You can accomplish this task because each of us possesses creative abilities. However, if you struggle, I recommend you sit down, take pen to paper and allow some time to work it out. It will be well worth your time.

Once you are clear about your end in mind, you need to set small manageable and achievable goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed. To reach your objectives, it matters to break them down into smaller manageable tasks and prioritize them effectively.

The second idea is that you are 100% committed to your desired result. You will waver if you are not 100% committed. You reinforce your commitment when you stick to your vision and keep it constantly in mind. For example, you could create a goal card that you look at every day, a vision board, or you could have a sticker or whiteboard on a wall. Choose the way that works best for you to keep your vision in mind. I use a vision board and a guided journal on effective goal achievement.

The third idea is to become resourceful. If you lack self-confidence, you must tell yourself that you will figure things out. Here is an example of building resourcefulness. Perhaps someone has already accomplished your desired goal and could be a great role model. For instance, if it is improving your love life, who do you know has a great love relationship? Talk to them and find out what works for them. You might get some tips for your relationships.

The fourth idea is to act on your desired outcome. Let me give you an example. Suppose you aim to prioritize self-care by increasing your exercise regimen. Be specific:

  • What does exercising more mean to you? Do you plan to work out at the gym or at home three or five times a week?
  • Do you no doubt want to do it? You need to assess your level of commitment to sit at the edge of your comfort zone.
  • When do you commit to doing it? Schedule it in your diary or phone because what you schedule gets done. If it is just in your head, you will lose momentum. What day of the week and at what time do you commit to exercising?

Stepping out of your comfort zone may seem frightening and uncomfortable, but it can be beneficial when you feel trapped in a monotonous routine.

Sitting at the edge of your comfort zone can be described as the small steps you take to move towards your chosen goals.

Make daily efforts to enhance your life and take small steps. These actions can make a significant difference, provide a new perspective, encourage personal growth, and help you surpass your expectations.

  • What will you start today to sit at the edge of your comfort zone?

I hope you enjoyed this episode. Remember, now is your time to transform your life one step at a time.

Follow the four ideas I share in this episode to get started and take action by reflecting on this question:

  • What steps will you take today to push yourself beyond your comfort zone?

If you love this episode, you might want to join the Free "Face Your Fear - The 5-Day Challenge To Embrace Success." This challenge is right for you if you are ready to side at the edge of your comfort zone with confidence and achieve the success you deserve.

You can join this free challenge on my homepage www.pascalegibon.com.

I look forward to connecting with you next Monday.

Have a fantastic week, take care and lots of love.

Got a question for Pascale? Click here to connect.




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Yes! To Love Success Habits: 7 Steps To Inner Peace, Joy And Happiness.

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Pascale Gibon is the #1 Bestselling author of YES! TO Love – The Ultimate Guide to Personal Transformation for Everyday Life Balance and The Essential Guide To Success Checklist - The 30-Day Challenge to Build Your Path to Success and Fulfil Your Life's Purpose.

Pascale is also the founder of YES! TO Love Academy (her live events) and YES! TO Training (or Y.T.T. YES! to True Transformation) your portal for personal transformation which helps you stand back up so that you can regain your zest for life, make your life work for you and quantum leap every aspect of your life from the inside out.  The results are more joy, real happiness and success as you increase your self-expression, self-love and self-confidence, and you feel empowered.

Known as a 'Change Catalyst' for your growth, transformation, and success Pascale is highly intuitive. She has the particular talent of helping you walk 100% in your greatness with confidence and harness your unique divine gifts and abilities so that you can live your life to your fullest potential and be the best that you can be with the energy of love.

As a visionary and creative, her life's purpose is to inspire and empower you and guide you to happiness through love and joy in the context of understanding and compassion.

Meet Pascale at pascalegibon.com.

Got a question for Pascale? Click here to connect.




The Everyday Life Balance Show is a weekly self-help show for individuals who want to create more balance and harmony in their life on a mental, physical and spiritual level. Every Monday, you get access to insights, practical tools and strategies from experts in their field of wellness, personal development, life fulfilment, happiness and success and from your host Pascale Gibon. "Now is your time to transform your life one step at a time!"




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